Sustainable Procurement

Policy and Strategy

We at the Kyowa Kirin Group are promoting Sustainable procurement across the entire supply chain by ensuring that our suppliers understand and cooperate with our initiatives.
To ensure a stable supply of high-quality products, we are working to conduct open and fair Sustainable procurement. As part of our efforts, we stipulate the Kyowa Kirin Group Procurement Policy*1, which manifests our determination to promote Sustainable procurement in collaboration with suppliers.
Growing importance of sustainable procurement, we have revised the Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct*2 in accordance with international standards, laws, and regulations and have posted it on this website as requirements to adhere by throughout our supply chain.
We at the Kyowa Kirin Group expect our suppliers to comply with applicable international standards, laws, and regulations, and to adhere to the Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct.
The Kyowa Kirin Group will conduct evaluations of suppliers' adherence to the Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct and seek cooperation from suppliers, including corrective action, for any issues identified.
The Kyowa Kirin Group is willing to work with suppliers who are willing to improve identified issues, to ensure a stable supply of high-quality products.

  • *1:
    The Kyowa Kirin Group Procurement Policy is established based on the Kyowa Kirin Group Code of Conduct, which is established according to the policy of Kirin Group.
  • *2:
    The Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct is formulated with reference to the “Pharmaceutical Industry Principles for Responsible Supply Chain Management” developed by the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI), a non-profit organization composed of global pharmaceutical companies.

Kyowa Kirin Group Procurement Policy

For the Kyowa Kirin Group’s procurement activities, we have in place the Kyowa Kirin Group Procurement Policy, based on which we aim to forge long-term relationships of trust with our suppliers and together fulfill our corporate social responsibility by complying with all related laws, regulations and rules, and striving to engage in fair, just and open procurement activities.

Kyowa Kirin Group Procurement Policy

Established on November 29, 2012
Revised on December 1, 2023
To make contributions to the health and affluence of the people in the world according to its management philosophy, the Kyowa Kirin Group will continue contributing to the development of sustainable society by promoting the Sustainable Procurement activity in collaboration with suppliers, to realize creation of new value on the strength of the life science and the technology.
The Kyowa Kirin Group Procurement Policy shall apply to all the members working for the Group, without regard to regions, countries, position or post (officers, employees or dispatched staff members, etc.), or full-time or part-time workers.
  1. 1.
    The Sustainable Procurement shall mean the procurement activity that has most positive influence environmentally, socially and economically that occurs in the entire lifecycles, which aims at minimizing unfavorable effects.
  1. 1.
    Quality first
    1. (1)
      In procurement practices, we place a high priority on pursuing safety and quality in accordance with the "Kyowa Kirin Group Quality Assurance Policy," while also taking costs into account.
    2. (2)
      We welcome new ideas and technical solutions for increasing customer value from suppliers.
  2. 2.
    Fair and open business dealings
    1. (1)
      We select suppliers based on their performance in quality (Q), cost (C), delivery (D), sustainability (S), reliable supply, technological expertise, and ability to propose innovative ideas, etc.
    2. (2)
      We use a competitive bidding and selection process for procurement to ensure fairness to all suppliers.
  3. 3.
    1. (1)
      We observe social norms as well as the letter and spirit of laws and regulations, and conduct business in a sensible and socially responsible manner.
    2. (2)
      Employees engaged in procurement practices shall not have personal conflicts of interest with any supplier. They shall not receive from any supplier rewards or gifts which deviate from social norms. They shall not force any supplier to make donations to the Group nor to buy products and services from the Group. They shall not impose a reciprocal business arrangement on any supplier.
  4. 4.
    Environmental considerations
    1. (1)
      We observe environmental laws, regulations, and ordinances, voluntary industry standards for the environment, and our own voluntary standards, to help society maintain a harmonious coexistence with nature.
    2. (2)
      We conduct environmentally sensible, nonpolluting procurement practices in accordance with the "Kyowa Kirin Group Environmental Policy".
  5. 5.
    Coevolving relationships of mutual trust with suppliers
    1. (1)
      We strive to establish long-term, coevolving relationships of trust with suppliers. We work with suppliers to manage and avoid risks so as to minimize their impacts on society and the Kyowa Kirin Group's business.
    2. (2)
      We take the utmost care when managing personal information and confidential business information provided to us by suppliers, and do not disclose them to internal or external parties without the explicit approval of the original suppliers of such information.
Section responsible for the Kyowa Kirin Group Procurement Policy: Procurement Department.

Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct

Date of issue: September 3, 2013
Date of revision: December 20, 2023

The Kyowa Kirin Group sets out the Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct to promote sustainable procurement throughout the entire supply chain. We ask all of our suppliers to understand and comply with all items presented in the Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct, as well as to reflect on their own corporate activities from the perspective of sustainability and make efforts for further improvement.

The Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct is comprised of the following seven perspectives.

  1. 1.
    Relationship with Society
    Suppliers, as good members of society, should strive for sustainable economic growth and solutions to social issues. To achieve this, suppliers should build friendly and ethical relationships with all stakeholders.
  2. 2.
    Relationship with Employees
    Suppliers should respect each individual’s humanity and strive to maintain an employee-friendly environment at workplace.
  3. 3.
    Compliance with Rules
    Suppliers should abide by social rules and act in good faith with high ethical standards.
  4. 4.
    Respect for Human Rights
    Suppliers should respect human rights and diversity of all people.
  5. 5.
    Environmental Preservation
    Suppliers should proactively initiate measures based on the recognition that addressing environmental problem is a mutual task of all the people and an essential requirement for corporate activities and survival.
  6. 6.
    Information Management
    Suppliers should properly manage information concerning their business.
  7. 7.
    Risk Management
    Suppliers should manage risks and crises pertaining to their business appropriately.

It is important for the entire supply chain to understand this Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct and act accordingly to realize sustainable procurement.
We ask suppliers who have received this Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct to communicate the code to the people not only in their own company but also to their suppliers, to implement appropriate resource allocation and to organize appropriate systems, procedures, and processes. Suppliers shall properly investigate concerns relating to this Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct and take corrective actions, as appropriate.
In addition, suppliers are requested to manage their own efforts through their own management systems so that the entire supply chain can contribute to realizing a sustainable society. We would appreciate the cooperation of all suppliers.

Joining the PSCI

In June 2024, the Kyowa Kirin Group joined the membership of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative ("PSCI"), a non-profit organization working as one voice for the pharmaceutical industry to deliver responsible value chains.
Through the PSCI, we collaborate with industry leaders and participate in good practice of sustainable procurement in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, in our effort to build a more efficient and effective auditing system, we will utilize the results of supplier audits conducted by PSCI member companies, which are shared through the PSCI Shared Audit Program.



The promotion of sustainable procurement is a universal challenge for the Kyowa Kirin Group. Each company/department incorporates their own issues into their action plans and is advancing initiatives designed to resolve them. In addition, the Kyowa Kirin Group CSR Committee reports on the state of progress of those initiatives.
To ensure that all employees have a common understanding of the importance of practicing sustainable procurement, we regularly conduct training for all employees every year. Commenced in 2019, training for domestic Group companies is also ongoing, and overseas Group companies are conducting their own training.

Risk Management

Supplier Management

The Kyowa Kirin Group implements supply chain risk management. To provide a stable supply of medicines, it is necessary to procure raw materials from suppliers in a stable manner.
We are conducting risk management by communicating our procurement policies to suppliers and obtaining external information, such as on the status of supplier sustainable activities and on the management stability of the suppliers themselves.

Complaints and reports related to human rights (Whistleblower contact for a wide range of stakeholders)

The Group accepts human rights-related complaints and reports from all stakeholders in its supply chain through the engagement and remedy platform provided by the Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER), which is based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
We are committed to resolving essential human rights issues by accepting complaints through a third party, thereby ensuring equality and transparency in the handling of complaints, and responding appropriately to complaints and whistleblowing. With respect to whistleblower's reports we receive, we will investigate the facts of the report, engage in necessary dialogue regarding the report, and implement corrective measures (including prevention of recurrence and response to objections).In responding to the whistleblower's report, the Company shall ensure that the whistleblower will not be disadvantaged and shall protect his/her personal information. Unless there is a justifiable reason to do so, such as when required by law, we will not use the information related to the case for any other purpose.
For whistleblowing through JaCER, information will be disclosed anonymously on JaCER's website on a regular basis.

JaCER whistleblower report formOpen in new window

Indicators and Targets

We consider that, in order for Kyowa Kirin to conduct sound business activities and fulfill its social responsibility, it is essential that suppliers who are key partners should understand our CSR policy and cooperate in our CSR efforts.
We actively promote CSR procurement for mutual development, by conducting fair and open transactions with our suppliers and obtaining cooperation in a spirit of equal partnership.

Examples of Specific Initiatives

At Kyowa Kirin, the following measures are carried out in each stage of transactions with suppliers.

Prior to transactions

Informing suppliers about our Sustainable Procurement practice.
Before entering into a new transaction with a supplier, we explain our Group Supplier Code of Conduct to the supplier and ask for their understanding and cooperation.
When a large number of new transactions are expected to occur at once, we also hold pre-transaction briefing sessions for new suppliers as needed (2018: Takasaki Plant; 2021: Briefing for a change in the procurement system).

Selecting suppliers and concluding contracts with suppliers

We select suppliers in accordance with internal standards based on objective information.
For existing suppliers with whom we have an ongoing business relationship, we conclude a contract to ensure their compliance with the Kyowa Kirin Supplier Code of Conduct.

Post-contract follow-up

We monitor our suppliers' status based on objective indicators, assess risks, and conduct follow-up surveys on the suppliers according to the risks identified.
Since 2022, by designating certain suppliers who are subject to our supplier management, we actively collect information depending on the level of management.
For the managed suppliers, we conduct (1) questionnaire surveys on the status of their sustainable activities to identify issues in our supply chain and (2) supplier briefings as an opportunity to share issues and raise awareness.
If any concerns are identified at suppliers, we conduct follow-up surveys and site visits to monitor and inspect the status of how they have addressed the concerns. In the case of a particularly important concern, we review our transaction with the supplier based on preset criteria.
We check and share information on individual suppliers' sustainable-related issues by visiting them or holding face-to-face/online meetings.
Our procurement staff members also attend quality assurance inspections to check the suppliers' sites directly.

Sustainable Procurement Survey

With regard to the topics covered in the Kyowa Kirin Group Supplier Code of Conduct, we annually conduct a survey to understand and analyze the sustainable activities under way in the supply chain and identify existing issues. The results of the questionnaire are provided to the respondent suppliers as feedback. We have also conducted surveys of overseas suppliers since 2019.

Status of Sustainable Procurement activities over three years from 2020 to 2022 The graph shows the percentage of suppliers' response status by topic, starting with 2022, 2021, and 2020 in that order. Note that the scope of disclosure ("Respect for human rights" and "Reduction of environmental pollution") has been expanded since 2021 due to the increased importance of the environment, human rights, and information security. The items "Measures against cyber attacks" and "Risk management" are new from 2021. Quality policy: FY2022 95.6%, FY2021 93.9%, FY2020 95.1% Illegal trading: FY2022 100%, FY2021 100%, FY2020 100% Legal compliance: FY2022 97.4%, FY2021 98.9%, FY2020 98.5% Initiatives to upstream suppliers: FY2022 72.9%, FY2021 69.6%, FY2020 68.6% Rish management: FY2022 89.5%, FY2021 86.6% Occupational accidents countermeasures: FY2022 99.3%, FY2021 98.3%, FY2020 99.3% Respect for human rights (formulation of a policy to prevent forced labor): FY2022 77.9%, FY2021 74.9%, FY2020 73.1% Harassment prevention: FY2022 95.3%, FY2021 89.1%, FY2020 87.3% BCP: FY2022 91.2%, FY2021 88.0%, FY2020 86.0% Formulation of CSR policies/rules: FY2022 87.1%, FY2021 79.7%, FY2020 77.5% Rudcution of environmental pollution: FY2022 88.5%, FY2021 83.6%, FY2020 79.1% Global warming countermeasures: FY2022 83.9%, FY2021 73.5%, FY2020 68.5% Biodiversity conservation: FY2022 75.6%, FY2021 66.7%, FY2020 59.4% Green procurement: FY2022 71.2%, FY2021 68.0%, FY2020 64.9% Information security: FY2022 98.1%, FY2021 97.2%, FY2020 96.5% Measures against cyber attacks: FY2022 95.7%, FY2021 93.8%

Current Status and Issues Observed from the 2022 Questionnaire Survey Results

From the 2022 survey, we have changed the scope of the survey targets (respondents) by narrowing it down to selected suppliers based on the history of transactions with us, and as a result, we received responses from 430 companies.

Compared with the previous year, the percentage of respondents who responded positively to the questions (i.e., fulfilling the requirements) increased by five points or more in the following areas: (1) Environmental Preservation, (2) Development of Corporate Social Responsibility Policies, and (3) Anti-Harassment Measures. In addition, although the improvement rate did not reach five points, the survey results also showed improvement in the suppliers' Sustainable Initiatives with upstream suppliers, suggesting that the suppliers are promoting their own sustainable activities.
Regarding individual questionnaire items, there were no cases of improper transactions (i.e., bribery or relationships with antisocial forces). In the area of Legal Compliance, there were a few cases reported (i.e., concern of violation of the Subcontract Act and the Antimonopoly Act), but all of the suppliers who reported these concerns responded that they had implemented recurrence prevention measures, making us recognize that they are working as an organization to prevent further occurrences of such cases.
The area of Sustainable Initiatives with upstream suppliers has shown significant improvement, with positive responses exceeding 70% for the first time. Recognizing that sustainable issues are issues for the entire supply chain, we must continue our improvement efforts by widely linking our sustainable activities to upstream suppliers.
Respect for human rights is a universal issue. This category showed a positive response rate of 77.9% with four points improvement over the previous year, on the status of the suppliers' respect for human rights (formulation of policies to prevent forced labor and child labor). Policy development is the first step in working on respect for human rights and should be continued for further improvement.
In the category of Environmental Preservation, the positive response rates have increased significantly. We hope that the suppliers will continue their activities to promote environmental preservation. The status of green procurement (purchasing from companies actively working on the supply of environmentally friendly products and services, environmental considerations, etc.) has shown improvement, although the positive response rate is still barely above 70%. We hope that the suppliers will promote the procurement of environmentally friendly goods and services as part of their efforts to protect the environment.
The percentage of responding suppliers who have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place has exceeded 90% for the first time, indicating that the importance of BCP has been recognized.
The survey results show that many suppliers have already implemented information security measures and countermeasures against cyberattacks, also making progress in responding to risks. However, although the numerical results are good, considering the number of cyberattacks and their increasingly sophisticated tactics, we need to continue such measures to achieve further improvement.

Supplier Briefings

We held a supplier briefing to share information on issues and solutions throughout the supply chain in 2018.

In November 2023, we held a supplier briefing (in the form of a webinar), attended by 395 companies. The theme of this 2023 briefing was "Toward the Realization of Sustainable Procurement, in light of the evolution of the Kyowa Kirin Group's procurement practice, from "CSR Procurement" to "Sustainable Procurement. We held this briefing not only as a forum to explain the Kyowa Kirin Group's policies and initiatives but also as an opportunity to consider jointly with suppliers about how to respond to the recently growing social demands regarding human rights and the environment and how to promote sustainable procurement.

Handout of Kyowa Kirin Supplier Briefing 2023PDF file

Excerpts from the handout of the Supplier Briefing (Webinar)

Human Rights Due Diligence

Kyowa Kirin also conducts human rights due diligence investigations of its suppliers.

In 2023, we conducted a survey regarding foreign technical interns of suppliers at the Takasaki Plant. As part of the survey, at a supplier already accepting technical interns (Shin-Nippon Wex Co., Ltd.), we conducted direct interviews with the management division and technical interns. As a result, we checked that there were no particular concerns about human rights violations as of that time, and we provided our survey reports to Shin-Nippon Wex as our feedback.

We will continue to investigate and evaluate human rights issues in our supply chain.

Measures to Be Taken for the Future

Kyowa Kirin Group reviews its sustainable activities, identifies issues that need to be solved, and works to make improvements with the cooperation of its suppliers. In particular, we intend to continue implementing anti-bribery and human rights due diligence, which are high-profile themes. We are also working on environmental preservation by recognizing issues and implementing activities that help prevent global warming.

Looking forward, we will continue our efforts to the entire Kyowa Kirin Group, further strengthen our collaboration with the entire supply chain, and actively push forward sustainable procurement with all our suppliers.