Kyowa Kirin Group Human Rights Policy

Established on December 8, 2022

Kyowa Kirin Group (hereinafter “the Group”) conducts its own research with high technology and unique points of view, develops and provides products in “pharmaceutical” business area, and is working on approaches to sustainable society through autonomous and responsible actions in fair and open competition. In order to realize our business philosophy “to contribute to the health and well-being of people around the world,” the Group strives to continuously create life-changing value based on the Group’s Core Values, having passion for innovation, teamwork of diverse brilliant personalities, and strong ethical views.

1. Basic Principles on Human Rights

“Kyowa Kirin Group Human Rights Policy” (hereinafter “this policy”) was established conforming to “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” of the United Nations. This policy promises the Group makes efforts at respecting human rights based on the Group’s Business Philosophy, Vision, Core Values, Code of Conduct, and internal principles and regulations to fulfill our responsibility for respecting human rights toward our stakeholders. It also promises the Group does not allow or contribute to any threat, intimidation, or (physical or legal) attack to human rights defenders. Accordingly, in the efforts at respecting human rights, the Group supports and respects the international standards on human rights listed below.

  • The United Nations International Bill of Human Rights (specifically the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) which sets out the basic human rights of every individual
  • The Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work by the International Labour Organization (ILO) *1 which sets out people’s fundamental rights at work and the conventions on workers’ human rights such as remuneration and hours of work
  • United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples *2
  • Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects (WMA Declaration of Helsinki)
  • Children’s Rights and Business Principles
  • *1:
    It includes support and respect for the Core Labour Standards: “Effective abolition of child labour,” “effective abolition of all forms of forced or compulsory labour,” “elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation,” and “freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining”.
  • *2:
    It includes respect for their proper ownership rights related to possession and use of land, water, and natural resources besides respect for the rights of indigenous peoples.

2. Scope of Application

This policy applies to all directors, officers, and employees of the Group. We also require all our business partners related to the Group’s business, products, and services to comply with the policy.

3. Responsibility for Respecting Human Rights

The Group recognizes the possibility that our business activities may directly or indirectly have an adverse impact on human rights. We aim to fulfill our responsibility for respecting human rights by ensuring that we don’t infringe human rights of individuals affected by our business activities and taking appropriate remedies if the activities obviously cause or contribute to an adverse impact on human rights.

Although we cannot ascertain all the way in which our business partners use the Group’s products and services, it is not intended at all that our products and services are used to contribute to infringement of human rights.

If an adverse impact of our business partner on human rights is suspected to have relation with the Group’s business, products, or services, we will require the business partner to respect human rights and not to infringe them.

4. Human Rights Due Diligence

The Group promotes human rights due diligence conforming to the United Nations “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” to identify, prevent and mitigate any adverse human rights impact of the Group on society.

5. Dialogue and Consultation

The Group applies independent external expertise on human rights as well as engage in dialogue and consultation sincerely with our stakeholders during the process to implement this policy.

6. Education and Training

The Group provides appropriate education and training for all directors, officers and employees, and for business partners as needed, so that this policy is incorporated into all the business activities and implemented effectively.

7. Remedy

In the event it becomes clear that the Group’s business activities cause an adverse impact on human rights, or the involvement in it through our business partners becomes apparent or suspected, we will work on the remedy through dialogue and appropriate procedures based on the international standards.

8. Responsible Director(s) or Officer(s)

The Group entrusts person(s) from among directors and officers who is responsible for implementing this policy and supervising the progress status.

9. Information Disclosure

The Group will disclose the progress and results of the efforts at respecting human rights on our Website and other forms.

10. Applicable Laws and Regulations

Nothing in this policy is intended to interfere with any laws or legal rights.

The Group complies with the laws and regulations of each country or area where we conduct the business activities. If there is any conflict between a country’s laws and internationally recognized human rights standards, we pursue a way to respect internationally recognized human rights principles to the maximum extent possible. However, under no circumstances will we violate the laws of each country or area where we conduct the business activities.

This policy is approved by the Board of Directors of Kyowa Kirin and signed by the Representative Director of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer.